Nebraska Car Accident Lawyer
Making a Difference in Injury Victims Lives Since 1975
When a car accident causes serious injuries, the victim may suddenly face a considerable amount of medical bills without the ability to work or take care of their family. In addition, you can file an accident claim against the negligent driver's insurance company.
Still, depending on their policy limits, the settlement may not be enough to cover all of your losses.
Without a Nebraska car accident attorney on your side, you could be forced to accept a lowball settlement. But with an experienced personal injury attorney fighting on your behalf, you can receive up to three times more compensation.
Contact Domina Law Group today at (888) 387-4134 or online to discuss your case in a free consultation.
Traffic Accidents Statistics in Nebraska
In 2017, 210 people were killed in Nebraska traffic accidents, according to the State of Nebraska's annual report. Although the data suggests that accidents may be on the decline, there are still far too many deaths and serious injuries caused by car wrecks.
Consider the following statistics from the report:
- In Douglas County alone, 4,319 people were injured in crashes
- Approximately 30% of fatal car accidents are caused by drunk drivers
- Lancaster County had the second highest number of fatal and injury crashes at 2,706
Car Accident Laws in Nebraska
After a car accident occurs, Nebraska adheres to an “at-fault” rule to determine who is liable for any following damages. This means that the motorist responsible for causing the accident that led to your injuries is the one responsible for paying damages through an insurance carrier.
This at-fault system is opposite the no-fault system which some states follow. In no-fault states, each party must file a claim with their own insurance regardless of who is responsible for causing the accident. At-fault states allow more opportunities for injury victims to file a personal injury claim.
While this law is straightforward in situations where only one driver was clearly at fault for causing an accident, many accidents that occur involve the fault of more than one party.
For example, the injured party may have been driving a little bit above the speed limit or they might have failed to use their turn signal. In these cases, an injured driver can still recover compensation from the more negligent party through Nebraska’s “modified comparative fault" rule.
This rule says that an injured party can still file a claim against the negligent party however, the overall compensation awarded to them will be reduced by the same percentage of fault they are found to be responsible for. For example, if you are found to be 15% at fault for the accident, the total compensation awarded to you will also be reduced by 15%.
Our Record With Car Accident Cases
The team at Domina Law Group has set the standard for motor vehicle accident cases in Nebraska. We presented Nebraska's defining crash-worthiness cases for airplanes and automobiles.
We handled cases that involve wrongful death, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, and other catastrophic injuries.
Here are some examples of the kind we have handled:
- Multiple death & multiple quadriplegia and brain injury, family van and semi-trailer truck.
- Multiple death, daughters- crossing center line.
- Multiple death & injury unprotected intersection collision with military vehicle- federal tort claims.
- Wrongful death of young father.
- Wrongful death of young mother.
- Death of senior parents in tractor trailer collision.
- Death of father and head of household in interstate three (3) car truck tractor & auto collision.
- Multiple single fatality deaths.
- Multiple paraplegia and quadriplegia cases.
Pursuing Compensation From the At-Fault Driver
The car accident cases we handle are typically severe, resulting in lifelong injuries. A car accident can happen in the blink of an eye, but the consequences can affect an individual forever. We make a difference in our clients' lives by recovering compensation for treatment such as:
- Surgical procedures
- Prescription medication
- Ongoing screenings & diagnostics
- Living modifications (wheelchair accessibility, etc.)
An excruciating emotional toll accompanies catastrophic car accidents. Therefore, we seek to recover noneconomic compensation such as loss of enjoyment of life, loss of earning capacity, and pain & suffering.
The team at Domina Law Group can help you receive the compensation you deserve from the driver who caused your injuries, either through an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit.
Nebraska is an at-fault state, which means the driver who caused the accident (or is mostly at fault) is responsible for paying out damages to the injured party, typically through their insurance policy.
If the driver exhibited any of the following negligent behaviors, they are most likely at fault for the crash:
- Distracted driving - Eating, texting, applying make-up, etc.
- Driving under the influence - Alcohol, narcotics, or even prescription drugs.
- Reckless driving - Speeding, running a red light, road rage, etc.
This list is by no means exhaustive, so we encourage you to reach out to our team as soon as possible after a car accident so that we can begin investigating your claim and compiling evidence that proves who was at fault for your injuries.
Car Accident FAQs
What Steps Should I Take After Being Injured in a Car Crash?
If you or another party has been injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident, you MUST report the accident to local law enforcement; Omaha PD has a crash investigation squad that will come out to the scene.
Next, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. If your injury was not severe enough that you need hospitalization, you should make an appointment with your own doctor to begin treatment and start documentation of your injury.
You should also report the accident to your own insurance company, even if you aren't at fault. They will want to hear about the details of the crash so that they can defend your claim in case the at-fault party tries to point the finger at you.
Finally, you may need to involve the help of an experienced car accident lawyer if you can't afford to pay your bills, are being harassed by the at-fault party's insurance company, or simply aren't sure what to do next. A lawyer can step in and handle your claim so that you can focus on putting your life back together.
How Much Does a Car Accident Attorney Cost?
If you're having trouble paying your rent or medical bills, you definitely can't afford a lawyer, right? Wrong! Most lawyers who handle injury/death cases work on a contingency fee basis, which means they receive payment for their services out of your total recovery amount.
This means, no fees unless they win (or otherwise secure a favorable recovery on your behalf). A typical contingency fee is about 33% of the recovery, but each attorney has the discretion to charge more or less for their services.
Contact Domina Law Group's Omaha car accident attorneys if you were involved in a serious auto collision. We represent clients in Nebraska and throughout the U.S. Call (888) 387-4134 today!
Domina Law Group - Case Stories
Wrongful Death - Tragedy Strikes in the Early Morning On Interstate I-80
Parents juggling multiple jobs and making sacrifices to take care of their children is nothing new and always admirable. This was the case for Domina Law clients who were driving to work in the early morning of a snowy day in 2018.
Our client’s 5-year-old child was appropriately restrained in a car seat in the back seat while the father was driving with the mother in the passenger seat. This was necessary because the family only had one car, and this was their daily routine. The father would begin his day at work, and the mother would return with their son and get him ready for school.
On this day, tragedy struck, and our clients encountered black ice. The vehicle began spinning. Multiple cars that were paying attention were able to safely enter into other lanes and avoid any contact with our clients’ vehicle at all. Unfortunately, an 18-wheeler was driving in the fast lane on eastbound I-80 through Omaha which was behind the other vehicles that took action to avoid a collision collided into the rear of our clients care at a high rate of speed.
The force of the 80,000 lbs. semi against the small family sedan was devastating and the young 5-year-old child suffered traumatic injuries and was later pronounced death. The mother and father also suffered physical injuries as well as obvious devastating emotional and psychological injuries.
Domina Law was able to obtain multiple confidential settlements and is pursuing additional defendants for more recovery. When advising clients on wrongful death, it is always an empty feeling to tell them they can only request money.
While we all know money can never bring back a life or change a catastrophic injury or a life-changing event, it is the only method of compensation in our judicial system allows regardless of how empty and unsatisfying that answer is when it is given to grieving families.
Domina Law has decades of experience handling the most complicated wrongful death and catastrophic personal injuries cases. If you or anyone you know needs our assistance or has a case that is important to them, please contact us right away!
Wrongful Death - Infant Killed in Preventable Motor Vehicle Accident
In the early morning of a winter day in February 2017, Domina Law clients were traveling on a state highway through a rural county. While traveling at a reasonable speed, a deer entered the roadway striking our clients’ vehicle causing it to skid.
Thankfully, there were no vehicles behind our clients’ car. Unfortunately, a vehicle was approaching in the opposite lane and failed to slow down and brake and/or avoid colliding directing into our clients’ car.
Upon impact, which occurred at greater than 40 miles an hour into the driver’s side of the vehicle, the family’s two-year-old child was dislodged from her car seat and thrown out of the window. Tragically, the child later died after EMS was on the scene and made multiple attempts to revive her.
Domina Law represents the family for not only their personal injuries, but the conscious pain and suffering of their child and their child’s wrongful death in what we allege was a preventable accident.
We believe that had the oncoming driver been paying attention as a reasonable driver has the duty to do and was not distracted immediately prior to colliding into our clients’ car.
This matter is ongoing against the main tortfeasor, although other aspects have settled favorably for the family in confidential settlements.
July 4th Disaster
A family of four (4) juggling time between family and friends were traveling on the State Highway in early morning of July 4th on a road with little traffic with excellent driving conditions. In the distance across the median on the divided highway traveling in the opposite direction there were police sirens.
As the sirens came closer and closer to my client’s vehicle they were initially unable to see any other traffic. Unfortunately, at some point the vehicle being chased by the police crossed the median and came into the lane of my client.
A head-on collision occurred at very high speed and my client, his wife and his step-daughter were all killed. The driver and passenger of the other car were also killed upon impact. While such an accident that was clearly preventable is beyond words to capture the depth of loss and horror of those that all left behind, the legal tactics and strategies employed to successfully resolve such a case takes significant experience, complex litigation, as well as negotiating skills.
In this particular instance the individuals in the car that crossed the median had no insurance and were uncollectable. This leaves the insurance policies of my client and his wife as owners of the vehicle.
Additionally, investigation reveals that the hot pursuit by the police may have fell below certain procedures and protocol after police were aware that the individuals they were chasing had turned off their headlights and were driving an excess of 100 miles an hour. These individuals were not fleeing from a felony or a burglary or some type of other crime, rather they were being pursued for speeding.
Careful analysis into the law of hot pursuit and the liability of the police department, as well as, knowledge of the governmental immunities and the laws precluding certain actions against the government and limiting types of recovery is critical before embarking on such difficult and lengthy litigation.
Domina Law has extensive experience in suits against the government, both state and federal level, as well as local municipalities, cities and various agencies such as local police departments or county sheriffs and their employees and agents.
Domina Law’s lawyer Brian Jorde was able to partially resolve some of the damages claims of his client through a negotiated agreement between the other various decedents and injured parties to the accident by utilizing a method that provided some economic relief for those that were left behind, but also eliminated retracted litigation in determining apportionment of insurance policy coverages.
This matter is still under investigation as to potential other Defendants and ways of recovering for the deceased.
Learn more about how our Nebraska car accident lawyer can help you. Contact us online or call (888) 387-4134 today!