Attorney Referrals
Referrals, Co-counsel Arrangements, Trial and Appellate Support
When referring someone to a law firm you want to send your client, family member, or friend somewhere you can have confidence they will thoroughly evaluate the legal issues at hand and devise creative solutions while also having the ability to work the case to its conclusion.
Over 80% of our representation inquires come to us through referrals from other attorneys.
When a former client, lawyer or other professional refers a family member or friend to our firm we are honored and committed to delivering the passionate, thorough, and tireless representation we are known for. We accept referrals and are co-counsel with lawyers and firms across the county.
Most referrals from other lawyers occur because they don’t feel comfortable with the particular legal issues of the case or there are items of controversy best suited for Domina Law. As legal surgeons our focus is to deliver the specific service the client needs and then return them to the lawyer that referred them to us. Much like a surgeon, we are honored to prepare for and perform the surgery then return the patient to their general practice doctor. We view and treat referring lawyers as our collaborators not our competitors.
Co-counsel Arrangements
For lawyers that require our assistance, but desire to maintain an active presence in the case or lawsuit, we welcome co-counsel arrangements and often are asked to devise the legal road map and allocate responsibilities among multiple lawyers and law firms. In matters were we are lead counsel or counsel for a specific issue, working with other attorneys to deliver effective results is a privilege and an honor.
Domina Law Group lawyers view their work as legal surgery. The Firm does not seek permanent client relationships with clients referred to them. Instead, it seeks to augment, support, and enhance services rendered by referring lawyers, achieve significant success, share the rewards of that success with the client and referring attorney, and move on to new matters.
Of Counsel for Trial and Appeal Support
Domina Law Group pc llo often handles matters strictly because we have been asked by lawyers to do so. For years, the Firm has honored and respected lawyers who have originated and referred cases to it. Attorneys doing so are well rewarded for their referral support, professional involvement in case development and continuity, and sought out in the decision-making process. Mediation and settlement discussions include referring lawyers. Sharing fees, with client consent, and in accord with Rules of Professional Conduct, is a pleasure and goal for Domina Law Group lawyers.
Matters referred to Domina Law Group for special handling outside of Nebraska, include:
- Complex Commercial Litigation in California, New Mexico, Delaware, Michigan, Oklahoma, New York, Arizona, Utah, Alabama, and throughout the Midwest
- Wrongful death and personal injury litigation in more than a dozen states
- Professional malpractice matters from border-to-border up and down the central United States.
We mean what we say in our motto: “Trial Practice. Not Just Talk.” SM Watch and listen to our lawyers' recent state & federal oral arguments here.
Partnering With Us Is Profitable!
Our work has generated millions of dollars in fees to referring lawyers and co-counsel. While each state has different rules and guidelines governing referral fees and fee sharing arrangements, Domina Law will work with you and design an arrangement that is equitable and profitable for all involved.
Have a potential case and are looking for the right law firm to refer it to or to partner with? Call us today.