Professional Malpractice

Select Professional Malpractice Cases
Domina Law Group has been responsible for a number of professional malpractice cases involving important decisions affecting the law. These include a recent case in which the firm successfully protected accountant clients against malpractice claims and the firm's efforts produced an opinion defining the exposure accountants have when preparing tax returns for clients. The firm's work also includes professional negligence claims against lawyers in complex commercial litigation and other cases, malpractice claims against physicians and hospitals, and a host of other matters involving professional and related conduct.
These are representative cases:
Bellino v. McGrath North - 274 Neb. 130, 738 N.W.2d 434 (2007)
- (legal malpractice)
Carpenter v. Cullan - 254 Neb. 925, 581 N.W.2d 72 (1998)
- (causation, professional negligence and proof of damages)
- Frank v. Lockwood - 275 Neb. 735, 749 N.W. 2.d 443 (2008)
Nevels v. Hanlon, et al. - 656 F.2d 372, (8th Cir. 1981)
- (applying 11th Amendment to reverse judgment)
State v. Douglas - 217 Neb. 199, 349 N.W.2d 870 (1984)
- (impeachment of Attorney General)
- State v. Lewchuck - 4 Neb. App. 165 (1995)
- State v. Skalberg - 247 Neb. 150 (1995)
Contact our professional malpractice attorneys today.