The Nebraska Public Power District's Proposed Power Line Projects

The Nebraska Public Power District's Proposed Power Line Projects

Nebraska residents should be aware, if they are not already, of recent high voltage power line projects that the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) has proposed.

Here is some rudimentary information about the proposed power line projects:

  • The NPPD is holding open houses to take Nebraskans' questions and concerns about the power lines, as well as to identify routes.
  • The current proposed route for the R-Project, for example, goes through the Nebraska Sand Hills region.
  • One of the projects is on hold pending presidential approval, because this is the line segment that will supply power to the Keystone XL pipeline.
  • The Muddy Creek to ORD project line is 115k volts and approximately 42 miles long. Open houses are ongoing.
  • The Stegall to Scottsbluff project line is 115k volts and approximately 23 miles long. If the NPPD is successful, this power line will be live by the middle of 2017.
  • The Hoskins to Neligh project line is 345k volts and approximately 39 miles long. Construction on the 115kV portion of this line has already begun, but construction on the new portion is estimated to start in the spring of 2015.

According to the NPPD,

NPPD will not commence work on a landowner's property until easements are signed. Once construction has been completed on individual tracts, a right-of-way agent will meet with the landowner and tenant to settle any damages that may have occurred during the construction process.

For more detailed and up-to-date information on the NPPD's transmission line projects, view here.
